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cyber distribution


As your Securly Distributor, Cyber Distribution will help you advise schools and MATs s on how to implement appropriate filtering and monitoring. Offering demonstratiuons, pre sales assistance and marketing support we are with you every step of the way.

Securly is a student safety company that helps schools stay compliant with safety legislation; empowers safeguarding teams to keep students safe both on and offline; and gives teachers and parents visibility and
control of online activity to improve engagement and well-being.

They not only introduced the first cloud web filtering solution, but also pioneered the use of artificial intelligence to deliver safeguarding solutions which monitor student social media, email and documents. This is through a combination of sophisticated artificial intelligence and its own human safeguarding team, who are there to help schools identify risk 24/7.

Securly Filter

Securly is the industry’s first pure cloud web filtering solution designed from the ground up for primary and secondary education, and enhanced with Artificial Intelligence and Sentiment Analysis to provide real-time actionable insights into safeguarding issues detected online.

securly aware uk distributor
Many students struggle to manage feelings of stress, anxiety, depression, and grief, impacting behaviour and academic outcomes. Without the appropriate support and interventions, they can even lead to violence, self-harm, or suicide. Despite their best intentions, student safeguarding teams are stretched thinly. Often supporting hundreds of students each, these Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs) may lack the resources to ascertain which students are suffering and in greatest need of support.
That’s where Securly Aware comes in. Securly Aware is a student safety and well-being solution that provides unprecedented visibility into your students’ mental health and well-being. The data provided by Aware can help you understand and make a meaningful impact on your students’ well-being. With Aware, your education customers can:
securly home

Securly Home is an add-on to Filter and Aware that allows you to give parents control over their child’s school device at home. Set customisable features to give parents the confidence they need to take control of their student’s screen time at home.

Wave goodbye to the stress that comes with sending school devices home

securley oncall UK distributor

Many student services teams are under-resourced and aren’t able to respond to Securly Aware alerts quickly. The Securly On-Call service is here to help shoulder the responsibility.

On-Call is a team of highly trained student safety analysts who analyse your Aware alerts and notify you immediately—within 5 minutes or less—of extreme risk situations. They’re on-call and ready to assist when you need them—whether that’s 24/7, during school hours, or anywhere in between.

securly classroom uk distributor

Securly Classroom is a cloud-based classroom management tool for Chromebooks, giving teachers new freedom to guide, monitor and communicate with students during class. Remove distractions and keep kids focused on learning.


securley mdm uk distributor

MDM brings cloud-based, simplified mobile device management to Apple devices.

Designed specifically for schools, MDM has been built feature-rich with educational needs in mind. MDM also includes classroom
tools to keep students on task and maximise every educational moment spent on school devices.