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>> Cyber Security – Prevention is Better Than The Cure

Cyber Security – Prevention is Better Than The Cure

16th March 2022

national cyber security centreThe National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) is a government agency that provides cyber security guidance and support to help to make the UK a safe place to live and work online. We often reference them for guidance with our cyber security offering, especially for the education sector with Cyber Education.

In this article about cyber insurance, we were interested in the messaging around prevention:

“…importantly, buying cyber insurance doesn’t mean you no longer have to worry about cyber attacks. You can help protect your organisation by ensuring you have fundamental cyber security safeguards in place.”

phishing and cyber securityWith Cyber Education, we help organisations develop a more proactive approach to phishing and cyber-attacks with a programme that is designed to educate users and prevent attacks in the first place. With regular reminders, tips and simulations, users become more able to spot phishing attacks to help protect the organisation and its data.

At a time when many insurance companies are looking towards updating policies with minimum cyber security requirements in place, it’s certainly worth looking towards ensuring your organisation, and your team, are the first line of defence.

Find out more about Cyber Education here.